Important Divorce Preparations

Filing for divorce is a process. Even before you file, you will need to make sure you have all of your ducks in a row. First of all, it is essential that you have all of your financial paperwork in order. Divorce often revolves around money.

Property division, alimony, spousal support and child custody are all divorce issues that involve your hard-earned income. You need to be properly prepared by having all necessary financial documents on hand early in the divorce process. This can help you to avoid time, expense and potential unpleasantness trying to get copies of them later on.

Also, prior to filing for divorce, it is important that you assets your credit and open your own bank accounts. This will help you avoid damaged credit due to a spendthrift spouse. Make sure that your bank accounts have sufficient funds in them, as most likely you will not be able to tap into your spouse's accounts if you run out of money.

After all of your finances are in place, it is time to assemble a divorce team. At Cutter & Lax, we are able to represent clients in need of a divorce or family law assistance in the San Fernando Valley. We are dedicated to professional representation. Our attorneys are compassionate.

We truly care about the implications that this decision will have on your future, and want to do our best to make things run smoothly and satisfactorily. After you have your divorce team in place, we discuss that you start in with the divorce. There is no "ideal" time to file, so you should start the process as soon as you have made up your mind. Don't hesitate to talk with a professional at our team if you want more information!
