Military Child Support Attorney
Receiving Money for Your Child
Do you and your ex-spouse have child support agreements? Does your ex-spouse or parent of your child pay child support? Receiving child support can be of a great benefit to you and your child. Child support offers custodial parents money to properly raise a child and provide adequate medical, educational and social needs to the child. If the parent of your child or your ex-spouse is an active member of the United States Armed Forces, receiving and obtaining child support can be slightly more difficult than obtaining child support in a civilian matter. An attentive and dedicated family law attorney from our firm, may be able to help you.
The California Child Support Services recognizes the different complications that can arise from one parent being activated for out-of-state military deployment. In order to make modifications to your divorce decree, you will need to consult with an attorney. There are certain forms, such as the Notice of Deployment - Request for Review of Child Support Orders (DCSS 0585) and the Notice of Activation of Military Service and Deployment and Request to Modify a Support Order (FL-398) forms which will need to be completed correctly and filed to a local jurisdiction in order to complete your child support requests. In an effort to correctly fill out these forms and file them in a timely manner, it can be to your benefit to contact Cutter & Lax.
Support for Your California Family
At Cutter & Lax, we are always looking out for your family and your well-being. It is important to us that you receive outstanding legal representation. Our firm has the experience and aggressive attitude to help you obtain the child support that you need and that your child deserves. We approach each case with individualized strategies and provide sound legal counsel to all clients. Cutter & Lax proudly serves military families throughout Southern California and represents all branches of the military. Contact our firm today to speak with an attorney and to schedule a free case evaluation.